Tuesday, July 12, 2005

just call me a meanymommy that lies

Today I had the task of taking Little Miss Attitude to the pediatrician for her 4 year old check-up. As soon as her little feet hit the floor this morning, she would ask about getting shots. She was dreading this afternoon, and so was I, because I can remember the last time she had them. It wasn't pretty.

We made our way to the doctor's office, and I was shocked that I was actually on time. All of my close friends and family having a running joke about how I am always late. It is part of my AdultADD. Anyway, we walk in and they greet us wonderfully, calling my daughter another little girl's name, and I correct them, and let them know our names and what time our appointment is, they give some looks, smiles, etc.etc.

Long story short, I might have been on time, actually early MAYBE 7 DAYS EARLY!
I screwed up yet again.

I knew that my poor child would have to suffer through another week, wondering about those horrible shots.

They undertsood, without really saying anything to them, and they let us see the doctor anyway. It worked out, well, for a little while anyway.

My daughter was an angel, ( I had bribed her with Polly Pocket and accessories from Target, 30 minutes earlier) until the nurse came in, and with those three nasty needles.

It came down to my child turning into the devil's daughter, crawling under a chair and, of course I had to get her out, and they had to hold her down, while she kicked and screamed, head spinning and the whole bit.

I was the worst mommy in the world at this moment. I saw the future right then, I saw my daughter in therapy saying" It all started when my mother held me down while the bad people hurt me." I was wondering if she would ever forgive me.

When it was over she took her lollipop, we wiped away the tears, and I promised we would go get a milkshake. On the way home, I was a little distracted from the incident, she was still upset, but this time was because she had cried inside the office and she shouldn't have cried. I had told her it was ok to cry.

I have no idea what was going on, all I noticed is a minivan was crossing right in front of me at the intersection. I thought what kind of idiot is that, pulling out in front of me. Then I looked up and noticed I had a red light, and I was going straight through the intersection. Yes, I was the idiot.

We made it through like we were in a 007 car chase scene. I went in between the mini-van and another car, without getting a scratch, almost hit the curb, pulled it together and got back on track. Horns were blowing, and I just knew that if I looked behind me, there would be a huge pile up.


Thank God!

My daughter's therapy bill was adding up in my head, and I knew I would probably have to change my pants. I thought that someone has probably reported a mad driver on Hwy 81. I finally made it to CudaDad's work, so he could console his little girl.
I walked in and let him know what a trooper his little girl was that day, and how I had saved his wonderful wife and daughter from a mad driver on Hwy 81 who pulled out in front of me.

I know, I know. I can be evil.

So goes the day in the life of a mad housewife.


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